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Healthy Summer Snacks and Desserts

During the summer months, it can be easy to overload on sugar without really thinking about it.  When you reach into the freezer for a popsicle or when you stop by a convenience store to pick up a slushie, it is important to realize that you are eating frozen sugar water. These sugary treats that are used to cool people down can easily be replaced with food that has some nutritional benefits. So, the next time that you want to reach for a popsicle, try replacing your sugary treat with one of these healthier alternatives…
  1. Fresh fruit with a generous scoop of whipped cream and a cherry on top
  2. Frozen grapes, red or green
  3. A smoothie consisting of fresh fruit, honey and spinach
  4. A banana split with whipped cream instead of ice cream
  5. Refrigerated watermelon

Staying cool throughout the summer months does not mean that you have to overload on sugar.  As you start to watch your sugar intake during the summer months, you will want to watch the intake of liquids as well.  The drinks that you are drinking may contain much more sugar than you thought they did.  Take note of the sugar that you are consuming and then find a healthy alternative.  This way, you can stay healthy and cool all at the same time.