Wednesday, October 28, 2015
As your children grow to school age, they inevitably spend a lot more time going places and doing things on their own in and around Portland, Beaverton, or their other local community.And, inevitably you’re going to...
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
This winter in Beaverton, Portland and beyond, an ice dam may just be your roof’s worst enemy. What is an ice dam? As snow melts and refreezes along the edge of your roof, the accumulation of ice essentially forms a dam,...
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Fall has arrived, but there's still time to get ready for winter weather, including storms. Extreme cold is always a possibility here in Beaverton, Portland and beyond, so we at Fox Insurance Agency have compiled some...
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Parents, class is back in session in Beaverton and Portland Oregon, so you've likely already reviewed the basic safety tips for kids who walk or bus to and from school. Those tips, of course, are: Walk with a buddy...
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